
Paula Climent

Hace más de dos años que hago pilates con Alba y puedo decir que es una instructora muy dinámica, cada clase es diferente y pasan volando. Es una gran profesional y siempre adapta las clases a las necesidades de cada alumno. Muy recomendable! .

Nuria Fiol

Hace poco que hago Pilates y estoy muy contenta. Tanto Alba como su equipo son muy profesionales y el trato es familiar. Las clases se adaptan a tus molestias y no hay dos iguales; el tiempo pasa volando. Lo recomiendo sin duda."

Lauren Simpkins

“Taking Pilates with Alba has been truly life-changing. Alba has a wonderfully intuitive approach, and ably adapts each lesson according to my changing individual needs. She has an incredibly thorough knowledge of the discipline and passes this on in a very clear and practical way. Her warm and positive manner enables me to feel completely at ease. I couldn’t recommend Alba more highly!”

Amalia Pagoaga

“Las clases de Alba son un alivio para la mente y el cuerpo. No solo relajas la musculatura y la estiras, sino que la fortalece, te hace ser consciente de cómo te mueves, cómo respiras y la tensión que puedes guardar en las partes más imprevisibles de tu musculatura. Hoy en día es un alivio poder encontrar a una profesional que se centra tanto en ti como Alba. Recomendada al 100 %.”

Dan Davies

“Alba is the best Pilates teacher I have ever worked with. Her style is innovative but reassuring – approaching the body as an integrated system rather than a series of parts. Her teaching has far exceeded my expectations, helping with not just movement but stress, tension and mindfulness. Frankly, she surpasses my previous teachers in London costing more than 80 euros a session. I would, without hesitation, recommend her to anyone. “

David Badia

“Com puc estar físicament millor als 45 anys que als 25? Mai havia fet cap esport o gimnàs de manera continuada i satisfactòria, magrat alguns intents. Crec que, sense adonar-me’n, exigia al meu cos sense escoltar què m’havia de dir i això feia impossible cap progrés. Les sessions amb l’Alba m’han permés reconectar amb el meu cos, sentir-lo i experimentar el desplegament de tot el seu potencial. És una experiència meravellosa!”

Irene Pujol

“Working with Alba for the past few months has been a truly inspiring and empowering experience. I was completely new to pilates and Alba helped me to feel comfortable by adapting to my needs whilst encouraging me to challenge myself and my body in a deeply compassionate and healthy manner. She has been able to attune with incredible precision to where I am at during lessons and shown great commitment to working together and tailoring the lessons to my pace, interests and needs. Her understanding of the emotional aspects of working with the body adds another important layer to Alba’s practice. I couldn’t recommend highly enough, as Alba has got a wealth of detailed knowledge coupled with great instinct and a friendly and caring attitude during lessons.”

Rosa Martínez Corral

“A couple of years ago I started suffering from back pain that manifested quite badly when sitting, largely interfering with my job, leisure activities and capability to exercise. I had never taken pilates so I decided to try. After a few sessions with Alba I could already feel an improvement, and now I can perform many activities I thought I would not be doing ever again. Even across a computer screen, Alba has a great sense for guiding me through the exercises, listening to my reactions to them and adapting to my needs. Beyond my back pain, it is great to feel strength build up over the whole body in a healthy way. I recommend her without hesitation.“

Laura Martínez Pujol

“Sempre diré: quina llàstima haver trobat l’Alba tan tard! Sense cap mena de dubte recomano l’Alba a tothom que vulgui trobar el difícil equilibri cos-ment en un ambient totalment relaxat però alhora professional. Amb ella, a través de la seva experiència i la seva forma tan personal d’ensenyar, us asseguro que ho aconseguireu. En temps tan estranys com els que estem vivint ara les classes amb l’Alba han estat una injecció d’aire fresc i optimisme que s’han reflexat en una total evolució del meu cos també. Gràcies!

Rupert Musgrave

“I look forward to my weekly class with Alba. I feel I have progressed to the next level with a better connected posture and much greater flexibility. If I present a new ache or twinge she has been able to pinpoint the source and work with me to resolve it, sometimes even within an hour! Alba makes Pilates enjoyable and her classes set me up well for the day. “

Penelope Radcliffe

“Sign up for classes with Alba and your body will thank you for it”

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